The series of joint EDI training (RQMP, INTRIQ, COPL, CQMF, CCVC, Centre sève) continues:
The third training in the series takes place on Monday, April 29 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will consist of a workshop on Inequalities in higher education: Obstacles and solutions. The event is hybrid, the trainer will be at INRS in Varennes, and the workshop will be broadcast at 10 Quebec universities with an animator on each site. This workshop will allow participants to reflect, as a team, in common situations in the field of higher education and to see how these can cause inequalities. The workshop will be given in French with bilingual visual support and conversations in each room will be possible in the language of your choice.
Attached you will find the description of the activity. Here is the link for free registration: (bring you lunch)