The following is a list of courses in advanced material science and technology that may be of interest to RQMP students. If you have any questions about content or registration, please contact the course instructor or the assigned departments.

CHM3481 Les matériaux polymères Audrey Laventure Montréal University  
CHM1502 Chimie expérimentale 2 Audrey Laventure Montréal University  
CHM6462 Chimie des matériaux 2 Montréal University  
CHM6465 Matériaux fonctionnels Montréal University  
PHY3510 Magnétisme et supraconductivité Andrea Bianchi Montréal University  
PHY 6485 Interactions ions et plasmas avec les matériaux François Schiettekatte Montréal University  
CHM6110 Sujets choisis de chimie analytique Jean-François Masson Montréal University  
PHY3302 optique quantique Philippe St Jean Montréal University  
CHEE 200 Chemical Engineering Principles 1 Anne-Marie Kietzig McGill  
CHEE 484 Materials Engineering Anne-Marie Kietzig McGill  
CHEE 515 Interface Design: Biomimetic Approach Anne-Marie Kietzig McGill  
PHQ340 Physique statistique André-Marie Tremblay Sherbrooke University
PHY889 Sujets de pointe (école d’été) Michel Côté & André-Marie Tremblay Sherbrooke University  
PHQ334 Mécanique quantique 1 René Côté Sherbrooke University
PHQ414 Mécanique II René Côté Sherbrooke University
PHS6317 Nano-engineering of Thin Films Ludvik Martinu Polytechnique Montreal
PHS3210 Spectroscopie Stephan Reuter Polytechnique Montreal  
PHS6953GE Structure and function of electronic devices (EDs) Clara Santato Polytechnique Montreal
CHM6492 Antonella Badia & Dominic Rochefort Montréal University  
PHS8303E Sustainable electronics, eco-design and electronic waste management Clara Santato & Flavia Visentin Polytechnique Montreal  


Winter        Automn      Summer      1st cycle      2nd cycle      3rd cycle

Training for the student community

Here you will find some external training courses open to students, to complete your transversal skills:

  • ComSciCon is a network that organizes science communication training for students across Canada. The English service is managed by ComSciConCANADA and the French service for students from Quebec by  ComSciCon-QC. Every summer each division organizes a conference containing several workshops and training on scientific communication. Registrations are free for selected people. Find out more so as not to miss the application date.