The RQMP is proud to announce the launch of a new event co-organized with CQMF and CERMA: the Quebec Forum on Advanced Materials – All About Collaborative Research.
Do collaborative research and advanced materials matter to you? Take part in this unic event, aimed at bringing together all the players in Quebec’s innovation ecosystem in the advanced materials sector.
The objective of the FQMA is to promote, on the one hand, synergies between academic research and the industrial environment of the advanced materials sector, and on the other hand, collaborations between research centers in terms of expertise and equipment.
You can already register:
- For the student and postdoctoral community, a poster must be presented to participate in the event, we invite you to submit a poster abstract
- For the academic world, you can attend to the event and submit an abstract to present your research team during the “Industry-relevant project presentation” activity
- Industries can participate in the event and have a booth during the networking cocktail.
A sponsorship plan is also proposed to support the Forum.
The Forum will be held on April 13 and 14, 2023 in Quebec.
Thank you to our official partners, PRIMA Quebec and Ecotech Quebec.
Check out the site to learn more!
You can also follow the event information on social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn).