As a member of the RQMP, you have access to the Globalink FRQNT-Mitacs research grant.

This scholarship, in the amount of $6,000, aims to enable the student and postdoctoral community, from strategic groupings or networks funded by the FRQNT, to participate in an international exchange in order to carry out research projects of 12 to 24 weeks. Two types of scholarships are offered as part of this ongoing competition:

  • Scholarships for outgoing students aimed at people registered within a strategic group or network funded by the FRQNT so that they can complete an internship outside Canada in Mitacs partner university.
  • Scholarships for incoming students aimed at students outside Canada and postdoctoral researchers so that they can complete an internship within a strategic group or research network funded by the FRQNT.

To apply, you can consult the Globalink FRQNT-Mitacs Research Grant on the Mitacs website and mention your membership in a strategic group or network funded by the FRQNT.